How can we help you?

I’m a Substitute

I’m looking for training that will help prepare me for the job ahead and to strengthen my resume.

Training Options

Are you looking for trainings related to HR policies, health & safety, classroom management, or teaching methods? We’ve got them all!

Substitute Orientation Training

The Substitute Teacher Orientation allows substitutes to learn more about HR policies of the district, safety tips and guidelines, managing health concerns and blood borne pathogens. With each districts policies being different, we offer options to customize the course specifically for your district.

Option available to build a customized training plan

We know that all school districts are not alike. Safety procedures, school nurses, policies and so much more can vary from district to district. We’ll customize the course to meet your district needs.

Send your substitute teachers to our portal

Direct your subs to our website, where they can purchase an online subscription to our training platform.

Monitor and track compliance

Subtitutes complete the training modules. You monitor progress and performance to ensure compliance.

Effective Substitute Teacher Training

This class provides training for substitutes that may have never been in a classroom. Schools often send new substitutes or those without teaching certificates through this course. Develop an understanding of learning styles, teaching methods, and strong classroom management skills to prepare yourself for a teaching career.

New substitutes learn valuable classroom techniques

The Effective Substitute Training Course is built to prepare new substitutes for the job ahead. From understanding lesson plans to working with diversity in the classroom, you will be prepared for your first day in the classroom.

Course available online

Courses are accessible online with any WiFi compatible device. Allowing for easy access that fits into your schedule. Complete training when it is convenient for you, or your potential substitutes.

Monitor and track compliance

Subtitutes complete the training modules. You monitor progress and performance to ensure compliance.



We have been extremely pleased, first of all with the customer service in building the program. What I mean by building the program is that there is a lot of personalization and customization that we were able to put into this program which kind of made it unique for Davie County.

–  Jeff Wallace, Davie County Schools NC

When you talk about the App-Garden sub training, it has been a huge problem solver for us. We used to do face to face training. We don’t want to take away the value of meeting our employees and working with them, but with the App-Garden sub training they can access it at anytime. They can access it at their own time and there is no time delay in getting them started. Setting it up and getting it customized for our district has been big for us. Working with folks at the App-Garden who understand the education environment was very important to us.

–  Sylvia White, Newton-Conover Schools, NC

We have been using the App-Garden sub training since 2015. The App-Garden has really allowed us to streamline our processes and become much more efficient with our substitute applications. Therefore, allowing us to add more subs to the list throughout the year which is a real win for all of our campuses.

–  Barbara Tate, Copperas Cove ISD, TX


Have any questions?

Reach out to one of our advisors today!

Do the substitute teachers value the experience?

Absolutely! According to surveys we’ve done:

  • Over 75% of substitutes surveyed indicated that they were satisfied with taking the course online.
  • Over 92% of substitutes surveyed indicated that the course was easy to use.
  • Over 76% of substitutes surveyed indicated that they found it more convenient to take the course online rather than at the district.
  • 79% of substitutes indicated that they were ok with paying for the course and being able to do at their convenience rather than attending a district course.
Tell me more about the benefits of Virtual Sub Training
Save Time / Money

  • Redundancy – Eliminates staff time spent conducting sub training over and over.
  • Consistency – Eliminates inconsistencies in training where multiple trainers are used and also eliminates the need for multiple trainers.



  • Mobile – Subs may login and train from any location with internet access
  • Flexible – Training is available 24/7 all during the school year.

Better Pool of Subs

  • Engage Subs Faster – Potential subs can obtain training immediately and be utilized in the classroom sooner rather than waiting potentially months for training.
  • Subs have “skin in the game” – You will no longer spend time and money completing paperwork and spending money doing background checks for subs who don’t ever show up to sub. Having the subs pay a small fee for their training ensures that they are serious about wanting to sub.


Improved Satisfaction

  • Self-paced – Subs train at their own pace
  • Modules – Training is in short modules which allows subs to repeat modules
  • Less Distraction Training can be done privately which is much less distracting to the sub.


 Improved Compliancy

  • Provides recordsComplete records on what was provided in the training and quizzes that assess learning provide the backup information you need

Assessment of Understanding – Your subs will be assessed after each module to ensure understanding of the material.


Complete a form below to view an instant demo of our courses.




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