Falling In Love With The Virtual Online Substitute Training Application

Written by TransAct | Jan 12, 2020 11:33:05 PM

The Virtual Substitute Training Application is an online substitute training

 program that allows you to quickly and efficiently train your substitute teachers. Here are just a few ways that the Virtual Substitute Training Application can help you and your district!


Eliminate substitute training meetings and staff required to train substitute teachers on an ongoing basis. Online Substitute training online means efficiently training high-quality substitute teachers.


Online substitute training provides the perfect pace for everyone! Users can take as much time as they need and even go back and review sections if needed.  Also, users can stop and start the course as needed in order to fit training into their schedule!


Your substitute teachers will love the fact that they can do their training anytime and anywhere. We even have a mobile interface so you can not only work from your laptop or desktop, but from your smartphone or tablet as well!


Potential substitute teachers can immediately sign up and begin their online substitute training. You can access the courses online anywhere and anytime using any internet-connected device or phone!


Substitute Teacher Training online ensures that your content is consistent and complete each time it is delivered. You won’t have to worry that important information might be missed in a training session.


Provide the documentation that you need to protect your school district.  Our online substitute teacher training program provides you with reports on who has trained and gives you their scores throughout the course.

Learn more about the Virtual Substitute Training Application!