Why University Based Field Trips Jump Start Success | App-Garden | software for school administrators - App-Garden

Written by TransAct | Feb 2, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Parents and teachers alike are always thinking of ways to get their students/children prepared and excited for their future education. Many parents plant the seed in their children starting from a very young age that they are going to attend a university and become a doctor or a lawyer, but don’t actually show them what life at a university is like.  Field trips jump start success in students by providing them with insight and knowledge about the possibilities for the future. Go to a school and see a presentation or go to a library and interact with college students. They always have plays, speeches, informative convocations, and I’m sure if you asked the school, your younger students would be allowed to be read to by college students! Also, senior presentations are a great way for your students to see an older student excited about their future! Remember, depending on the age of your students, some of these graduation project presentations may not be appropriate for your students.

All of these things are a great way to show your students “how cool the big kids are” and to begin encouraging them to live out their dreams. This might not seem as if it would make much of a difference on a child’s desire to attend a place of higher education, but it really does. From personal experience, going to a school’s agricultural program with team building activities as a second grader really inspired me to learn more about topics such as the water cycle, and also about all of the “cool college kids”. I was so intrigued by how each of those students knew so much about what they were presenting. I wanted to know from a young age where their passion was from and how I achieved it.

In the fifth grade, we took a field trip to another university and saw a math production where students explained math history and competed at mathematical exercises. What this presentation showed me was an environment of learning at a higher level. I saw college students engaging in the teaching of certain topics and their own mastery. By seeing this I was inspired to learn how to fully master my academics and to execute a task with minor complications, thus engaging me in learning and inspiring me to continue my education in order to have their level of mastery.

Seeing all of these things and continuing to go on field trips at colleges and universities throughout middle school and high school led me to want to achieve what others before me had achieved with higher education. I too wanted a shot at a topic mastery and wanted to gain important skill sets to not only get a job but to survive in the real world. By going to an institution of higher education it drove me to want to be successful and as informed as the students I was getting to see on these field trips. And while field trips may be fun at the time, I can honestly say that I remember that trip from second grade with the agricultural program in much more detail than I can any class movie trip.

Take your students and children on trips that will leave a mark on their life and hopefully inspire them to achieve. Brought to you by the App-Garden and Travel Tracker, making school field trips easy to manage and plan.